コスモスと観覧車2(Cosmos with Ferris wheel)
It's cosmos and Ferris wheel at night.
There was no illumination in the cosmos field, so I had a hard time to take this picture.
The cosmos isn't seen actually.
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6 件のコメント:
Hi, it's a very great blog.
i could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
Thank you for your visiting.
I like to take a picture.So, to write this blog is my pleasure.
nice pictures! i love photography too ;)
once again, a flower and a ferris wheel. i have a thing for ferris wheel. this is a challenging picture to take, but youve been able to pull it off!
omedeto :)
Hello, aimi.
Thank you for your visiting and comment.I love photography,too.
Hello, Dance,Dance,Dance.
Do you like a ferris wheel?
This photo was very challenging.I was very happy to take this photo.Arigato(^^;